воскресенье, 15 апреля 2007 г.


Board freegames use as a central tool a board on which the players' status, resources, and progress are tracked using physical tokens. Such freegames often also incorporate dice and cards.
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Card freegames use as a central tool a deck of cards. The cards may be standard playing cards or a deck specific to the individual freegames. Many card freegames such as Uno and Rook were originally played using a standard deck and have since been published with customized decks. Most standard decks will have fifty-two cards in them. Thirteen of each suit. The four suits are clubs, spades, hearts, and diamonds. Many freegames such as go fish, crazy 8's, and others are played with a traditional deck of cards. Standard decks also include two to four jokers with them. Jokers are usually removed, but included in some particular freegames.
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